Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Plan B

Will Smith reckoned there was no reason to have a Plan B because it distracts from Plan A. Well, what if you never had a Plan B because you didn’t expect Plan A to go to hell in a hand-basket? Hmmm? Answer me that Will Smith!
Plan A was very simple. Purchase a 12v camp shower. Put the bilge pump in the water pod. Put the other bit in the cigarette lighter of the Landcruiser and voila! A shower with a decent flow, enough to wash ones hair.
That lasted a little while, till mid-December when I was half way through dying my hair. The fuse blew. So instead of leaving the dye in for the necessary time, here’s me, on the back of the ute, flopped all over the top of the pod so I can scoop the water out with a cup and wash the dye out of my hair before it burns my scalp from being there too long. When I had time and daylight to spare I replaced the fuse. I checked to make sure it was working and I was satisfied that when I returned to camp and needed a shower I would be able to with the now-fixed camp shower. But nooo, that wasn’t meant to be!
It’s now early April and I’ve returned to camp. Head to toe in flakes of tarpaulin and covered in diesel and the days sweat I was ready for a shower. Fuse blown… Again! I didn’t know whether to curse the Landcruiser for blowing the fuse or the camp shower for having too weak of a fuse supplied (even the spare). So instead of flailing all over the top of the pod to scoop out water to wash myself I stared at the tap at the bottom wishing I had got my act together ages ago to fit it with joiners and 2 inch pipe so the water can at least run out beyond the Landcruiser tray and I could catch it in a bucket. Instead I’m wedging the bucket underneath the tap and getting things done at a slow pace. A Plan B was needed. And the other night Plan B was installed.
A bucket, a pulley, rope and a drill. Plan B is up a tree. And it’s not that bloody great. It’s amazing that while I was using this basic system that all the physics I actually did manage to learn at school flashed before my eyes. The fulcrum (ie: the handle) is not in the right spot for optimum pouring. It needs to be around the middle of the bucket, not at the top. The rope at the spout that tilts the bucket is only capable of pouring so much out before I have to push the bucket up from the bottom with soap in my eyes. A new drilled hole in the bucket and a rethreading of rope is in order!
So much drama just for a flipping shower!

Plan A: 12v Camp Shower with the bilge directly in the water pod.

Plan B: A bucket suspended from a tree with rope and a pulley.

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